Brighten your eyes for a rested, more youthful look

Eliminate crow’s feet and dark circles
The name “crow’s feet” may sound bad, but these wrinkles around your eyes are the result of smiling, laughing, and being happy. Squinting can also accentuate crow’s feet. Living a rich life will “earn” you these fine lines, but the wrinkles don’t have to tell your story!
Brighten the eye area
Face It Aesthetics uses dermal fillers and neuromodulators to brighten the eyes and smooth away crow’s feet. As we age, these wrinkles can become evident even when we’re not smiling or squinting. Small injections of neuromodulators (I prefer Xeomin for its purity) on the very outside of the eye area can smooth out the appearance of these lines. Now when you smile and laugh, you’ll look happy and more youthful!
Treat dark circles
Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water will only take you so far. Some people have dark circles or a hollowness under their eyes, often referred to as tear troughs, and we use fillers in this hollowness to create a rested and youthful appearance. The skin here is very thin, and if you suffer from seasonal allergies you are not a candidate, so getting a consultation for this area is critical.
Eliminate thin, crepey skin under the eyes
If you are not a candidate for tear trough treatment, I have techniques that will soften under-eye hollows and reduce the appearance of dark circles so you look refreshed. MICROXEO can decrease pore size, redness and crepey skin and improve skin texture and color. And Lumière Firm from NEOCUTIS can play an important part in achieving results. Consistency is key!