Balance your facial features with jawline contouring

Look younger with a well-defined jawline

A defined jawline has become a top beauty goal. A great v-shaped jawline can be achieved with dermal fillers, giving you a more youthful appearance. Unlike elsewhere in the face, where we add filler to plump and restore fullness, adding filler in the chin or jawline provides balance and creates a slimmer and proportioned face. 

How dermal fillers work

Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance that binds to water. When it’s injected under your skin, this gel-like liquid takes up the extra space left by your body’s loss of collagen. Dermal fillers in the mid face can lift the skin, reduce the appearance of laugh and smile lines, and help to enhance a high cheekbone. 

Combining fillers with injectables 

For many facial balancing patients, I also use neuromodulators to relax the large masseter (cheek) muscle. This slims the face and enhances and defines the space between the cheeks and jawline. 

High G prime for best jawline contouring

In aesthetics, your results will depend as much on technique and artistry as on the products used. I use a higher G-prime filler at the back angle of the jawline, which will provide structure if natural bone loss has occurred by providing a defined angle to the jawline, which can decrease the jowls that we develop as we age. This filler also stimulates collagen production, so it will continue to work to rejuvenate for up to two years.


What is the G prime?

Viscosity and elasticity are measured by the G prime. Dermal fillers with high G prime are firmer and tend to keep their shape. This is important in facial rejuvenation because these products have more lifting capacity. In contrast, those with low G prime are thinner, more fluid, and have easier spread.