Restore lost volume to your uniquely beautiful face

Get natural, youthful results with dermal fillers

Around the age of 25, your body slowly stops producing collagen. While the exact age is different for everyone, the effect is about 1% less collagen every year. Initially, you won’t see many obvious changes. Wrinkles and other signs of aging appear gradually. Then, around the age of 50, collagen production diminishes very significantly, causing visible signs of aging, including sagging skin, jowls and deep wrinkles around the mouth. Dermal fillers can restore lost volume and give you a younger, fresher look.

How dermal fillers work

Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance that binds to water. When it’s injected under your skin, this gel-like liquid takes up the extra space left by your body’s loss of collagen. Dermal fillers in the mid face can lift the skin, reduce the appearance of laugh and smile lines, and help to enhance a high cheekbone. 

Why I use Radiesse

One of the most exciting fillers I use is Radiesse. It’s the only product currently available in the USA that is made of calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) gel microspheres. This is important because it has a double effect: there will not only be an immediate result with the filler, but the CaHA also stimulates your body’s own natural collagen production – stimulation that continues for up to two years.

As someone in this age group myself, I love the fact that because of Radiesse, my own collagen will continue to be produced for up to two years. Additionally, if blended Radiesse is fanned in the lower face, it will stimulate collagen there as well and help with all those fine lines.

Where dermal fillers work best

  • Laugh lines: Some people find that their laugh lines bother them. If you’re one of those people, we can help! Often, we can soften these lines by adding small amounts of filler to the cheeks or creating an angle in the jaw. This pulls the skin, stimulating collagen and reducing lines even in areas farther away from where we inject the filler.
  • Cheekbones: For most women, the ideal cheekbone is softer, whereas men typically want a more chiseled appearance. Dermal fillers in the mid-face can enhance a high cheekbone. I also use contouring under the cheeks to give a beautiful, soft, and youthful look without distorting the face.
  • Marionette lines: As we age, our facial fat pads fall downwards, contributing to jowls and deep wrinkles around the mouth. Dermal fillers in this area can reduce the appearance of laugh and smile lines. Depending on your individual goal, I can use deep or superficial fillers with needle or cannula techniques.